
John Marshall is fortunate to have principal

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This letter is directed to the parents, teachers, and children of

John Marshall Elementary School. You are extremely fortunate to get

your new principal, Mrs. Barbara Mikolasko. She is a very

compassionate individual who has been very supportive of everyone

involved with Lincoln Elementary School.

Mrs. Mikolasko will make your school feel warm and welcoming to

anyone who steps through its doors. We encourage you to go and

introduce yourself to her and become active in your parents’


Mrs. Mikolasko is easy to work with, and with your help she will

be able to accomplish tremendous things at your school. At Lincoln,

Mrs. Mikolasko had an open-door policy for teachers, parents, and

children. If she was busy she would make sure she spoke with you as

soon as she could. Mrs. Mikolasko is always truthful; you may not

always like what you hear but you know she is being honest. Mrs.

Mikolasko is very dedicated, so don’t be surprised when you notice

that she is at your school when no one else is there.

Mrs. Mikolasko is devoted to the growth of each child as an

individual and wants them to reach their full potential. Her

decisions are made as if she were the child’s parent and what she

thinks is best for them. Mrs. Mikolasko will eventually get to know

each child’s name at Marshall. Your children will come to love her as

ours have. We would like to share some direct quotes of students from

the 2002 Sixth Grade Memory Book when asked, “What will you most

remember about Mrs Mikolasko?”:

* Anna -- “She was nice and the way she was always fair.”

* Brandon -- “The way she talked to me like I was her friend.”

* Jillian -- “She is nice and always listens to any student’s


* Katrina -- “She always seemed to have time for me even when she

was busy.”

* Hannah -- The thing that I will remember the most about Mrs.

Mikolasko is that she always said to, ‘Build people up and not tear

them down.’”

We will truly miss Mrs. Mikolasko because she is not only a great

administrator but she has become a friend to us and our children.

We look forward to working with our new principal, Mrs. Melissa

Stephan, who seems very friendly and outgoing. We wish Mrs.

Mikolasko, as well as all the teachers, parents and students of John

Marshall Elementary School, much success.



La Crescenta
