
GHS now can focus on its mission

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The recent decision by the Glendale City Council will have no

effect on the Glendale Humane Society, except that we will no longer

be the city’s “dog catcher.” Instead, we consider it a positive stop

in that it will allow the GHS to refocus all of our attention more

directly in areas of pet adoption, education and animal advocacy.

Dealing with the complexities of animal control and a city

contract actually took us farther and farther away from the very

purpose of our organization -- to find animals loving homes and

development of programs that would directly assist and benefit the

animals of Glendale.

The good news is that our shelter will directly assist and benefit

the animals of Glendale. The good news is that our shelter, at 717 W.

Ivy St., will remain open. We will continue to accept animals for

adoption and continue to place them in loving homes. Additionally, we

will be offering no-cost spay and neuter programs for animals adopted

from our shelter; dog-obedience classes; and community education

about the care of animals.

Our “Raise with Praise” program, where a dog from our shelter is

trained and visits schools to interface with at-risk children, also

will be expanded. It will also afford us the opportunity to directly

work with local animal-rescue agencies to bring you, the residents of

Glendale, lovable animals to a community-based shelter located in

your own backyard.

The city contract drained our financial resources severely. Every

month, the expenses of animal control far exceeded the monthly rate

the city was willing to pay us. In the end, we could no longer afford

to continue to provide services at a loss each month, and therefore

informed the city that we would no longer be the “dog catcher” as of

midnight Sept. 30. A city contract is presently being negotiated

with another agency located outside Glendale, at a rate of $22,000

more a month than what we were being paid.

Now, we need to redirect our efforts toward fund-raising, in order

to continue to keep our Glendale shelter facility viable. We seek

your help. Please visit our shelter and see for yourself what we do

and how we do it. Become a member for $20. Adopt an animal. Volunteer

your time. Offer donations of money and supplies. In the coming

months, we will need your support as never before, as we refocus and

redirect our efforts to humane activities that will directly benefit

the animals and their caregivers in this community.

In whatever form the Glendale Humane Society chooses to pursue its

mission of animal welfare, with your help and renewed support, we

will be able to refocus and redirect our efforts in improving the

quality of service that we provide animals of Glendale, without the

distraction of a city contract. It is our intention to remain a vital

and prominent voice on behalf of the animals in Glendale and their

Glendale families.

For more information, contact Paulette Ramsay Wood, board

spokeswoman, at 242-1128.


Glendale Humane Society
