
Futalan not seeing red

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Editor’s note: Odds and ends from the past week in local girls’


GLENDALE -- Sorry, wrong number: La Canada High’s Diahnn Futalan

left behind an important article of clothing. It sat idle in the

washing machine Monday while she competed in a tournament.

So Futalan, a junior center, needed a new white uniform top so

she’d be able to compete. Coach Tamar Hill provided a much-needed

assist before Monday’s 48-26 victory against Covina Northview in the

seventh-place game of the eighth annual Lady Knights’ Christmas

Classic at Arroyo High.

Normally sporting No. 24, Hill handed Futalan a uniform with the

No. 3.

“I didn’t think we’d need those jerseys,” Futalan said. “I thought

we’d be wearing our [red] road uniforms.

Fortunately for Futalan, Hill has carried several extra uniforms

to each game in case of an emergency.

Futalan looked comfortable -- in her new jersey and on the court.

She scored 16 points and grabbed nine rebounds for the Spartans.

She was also named to the all-tournament team.

Two sides to every story: Hoover High girls’ basketball player

Arpa Gregorian is a fascinating athlete.

When she plays to her potential, the senior is usually a dominant

low-post threat who uses her athletic ability and her speed to get

past opponents.

But, there are moments when Gregorian looks unfocused on the

floor, something Tornado Coach Jack Van Patten knows all too well.

Case and point: Saturday’s 54-43 victory against North Hollywood

in the 18th annual Burroughs Optimist Tournament.

In the first half, Gregorian picked up a foul in the backcourt

while reaching for the ball. Van Patten immediately took her out of

the game.

But, in the second half, Gregorian came back strong, using an

array of post moves to score six second-half points and grab eight

rebounds. She finished with 10 points and nine rebounds.

Gregorian also didn’t foul out for the seventh consecutive game.

“Now I’m mentally in the game,” said Gregorian, who fouled out in

Hoover’s first three games.
