
Farewell, Gipper

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Farewell my president, my hero and my brother in Christ. This day came much too soon for we who so adored and loved you. Even in your comatose state, as long as your heart beat, we felt safe and secure with that sense of caring you always expressed for your fellow American.

Though your physical presence now leaves, we still draw inspiration from what you have left us-a vision and promise for a better American, character and courage in the face of detractors and our enemies, wisdom and a steadfast commitment to ensuring our freedom in confronting all forms of evil, and opportunities for achievement and success through hard work.

Your cheery optimism, love of country and connection with the people moved us all to “win one for the Gipper,” as you would say when times were rough. As America and the world mourns your passing we reminisce about the 93 years you gave in shaping our lives, preserving our freedoms, realizing our hopes and dreams, and solidifying America the beautiful as the greatest country on earth. The outpouring of love, affection and respect is our final tribute to you as you enter the pearly gates of heaven and walk the gold-lined streets in paradise. Know that there will be a place in history for you alongside George, Abe, Teddy, Harry and John.

Let’s have one last toast for the Gipper as he passes into forever. God has loaned you to us and now he calls you home. You are a legend and a great blessing for all of America.

Thank you, Mr. President. We’ll soon be seeing you at the gates.

- Bob Tanabe

La Cañada
