
Article highlighted need to watch out for...

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Article highlighted need to watch out for bicyclists

Thank you to Gary Moskowitz for your excellent coverage of the

hit-and-run accident involving a bicyclist last week. As a commuter

who gets to work by both car and bicycle, I see how the mix of

cars/trucks and bicycles works from both perspectives. And with my

wife’s brother having been killed by a car, I’m quite sensitive to

the dangers of riding a bike.

While many of us ride bikes to reduce traffic and pollution, I

sense that many drivers view us as a nuisance, and many simply don’t

understand the danger they cause by driving recklessly.

Let’s hope articles such as yours will help remind drivers of the

harm that they may cause by their careless driving.



Not so much a criticism, but more like a correction

New-Press reader Steven A. Wells came out swinging against Caruso

supporters on June 4 (“Bewildered by blind faith of Americana

supporters”), but returns with a rather feeble and defensive

justification of his several imprecise points of view (“Criticisms

abound in light of valid arguments,” Community Forum, July 1)

Addressing his defenses and responses to Patrick J. Foley’s

erudite and succinct response to his initial letter (“Faith in Caruso

is based on action, evidence,” June 21) is a waste of time. Mr. Wells

has been trapped by his own words, and his letter constitutes

flailing to regain his intellectual ground -- for about 19 column


He doesn’t make too convincing a case, succumbing to the very

evasion of valid argument he erroneously attributes to those who

responded quite soundly to his unfounded criticism of Caruso


I will correct him, however, that Mr. Foley’s reference to Swiss

architect Le Corbusier was accurate. In his “Radiant City,” corridor

streets were destroyed. Automobile traffic was to circulate on

above-ground roadways, while ground level was a “gift” to

pedestrians, with pathways running in orthogonal and diagonal

projections. (Other transportation modes, like subways and trucks,

had their own roadways separate from automobiles.)

Pierre L’Enfant developed a Baroque plan for Washington, D.C.,

that featured ceremonial spaces and grand radial avenues, while

following natural contours of the land. The result was a system of

intersecting diagonal avenues superimposed over a standard grid


I believe Mr. Foley’s point, however, was Le Corbusier’s

conclusion that intersections actually impede and create traffic. So,

once again, I’ll echo Mr. Foley: “If you can’t deny what someone is

saying, criticizing how he says it (or in this case mistakenly

criticizing his exemplar references) is the next best thing.”



First-person account and advice on identity theft

Thank you for writing about stolen account numbers used by thieves

to make Internet purchases (“Hurdles left for identity theft bill,”

June 29).

In March 2003, I was attempting an ATM withdrawal when my request

for funds was denied due to a negative balance. Knowing this couldn’t

be right, I went into the branch and was told that an electronic

transaction was in progress for $753 to a company in Missouri. I

asked the bank to stop it and they said that until it posted, it was

not possible to place a hold on it. I asked for the address in

Missouri, but they had only the company name and state, but no


The next morning, I called 411 for all of Missouri until I found

the number and spoke to the vendor, explaining that I did not

authorize this transaction. The vendor was cooperative, giving a

Glendale address as the delivery point. I gave all the information he

gave me to the Glendale Police. When I called the bank to give them

the police report number, they told me of a second transaction for

$400 also in progress, but they could tell me only the company name

and city, but not what state.

After calling 411 in nine states did I find them. They, too, were

helpful providing not only the name and address -- the same as the

other -- but also the phone number and the tracking number provided

by UPS. I promptly called the police and the bank.

The police got a search warrant, went to the address, waited for

the UPS truck, observed the delivery, and made an arrest. On scene

they found and confiscated lists of stolen credit and debit card

numbers, as well as illegally purchased merchandise.

My bank initially said it could take six to nine weeks before I

could recover my money. But, because I chose to do a lot of phone

calls to get the information the bank and the police needed, funds

from the bank’s provisional account were moved to my checking account

nine days after I had discovered my losses.

The Glendale Police advised me to shred all receipts with my

account numbers on them before placing them in the trash so as to

prevent this from happening again.


