
League accepting questions for Wednesday’s forum

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Glendale voters who have unanswered questions on Measures A, B and C

on the Sept. 14 ballot can submit them this week to the League of

Women Voters at their e-mail address -- -- or

by calling (818) 247-2407. The questions will be asked of Caruso

Affiliated Holdings and General Growth Properties representatives

during the League’s Sept. 1 community forum in City Hall Council

Chambers. The open meeting will commence at 7 p.m. and be broadcast

live on Channel 6.

League members will explain the measures, give background

information and ask questions previously received or written by the

audience. The League will not take a position on the election

measures. The format will assure a fair and balanced presentation of

the vital issues confronting Glendale voters. Speakers will have

timed responses and rebuttals to each question. The purpose of the

forum is to encourage the active and informed participation of all

citizens in government.

Rick Caruso, CEO of Caruso Affiliated, and Gerri Cragnotti,

Glendale Realtor and registered voter, will represent the Yes on

Measures A, B and C. Arthur Sohikian, campaign spokesman, and Doug

Johnson, Glendale small-business owner and registered voter, will

speak for No on Measures A, B and C. The speakers were selected by

Caruso Affiliated and General Growth Properties.


