
Explaining the Glendale High School cluster

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I recently received an inquiry about the Glendale High cluster from a non-parent reader. Since I finally had proof that folks who don’t have children attending public schools find this column of interest, I was happy to oblige with the explanation that schools “feeding” students into Glendale High School make up the Glendale cluster.

These include Roosevelt and Wilson middle schools and the elementary feeders: Cerritos, Glenoaks, Horace Mann, John Marshall, R.D. White, Verdugo Woodlands and John Muir. Horace Mann and R.D. White are on year-round schedules. College View School provides special education and is in the cluster for this column.

That being said, we can always learn something new if we put on our investigator’s hat. At the last Superintendent’s Advisory Committee meeting, information about the various school and community programs available was eye opening. District administrators shared information that, although promoted in various ways, does not seem to reach everyone at the same time.

For instance, a richly diversified program offering an expanse of vocational career pathways through training and education is available with school-to-career programs. Regional Occupational Program (ROP) classes are for students and community residents alike.

Middle and high school students would do well to research these options with their counselors and surprisingly, some of these programs also provide community college credit. For adults and parents in our community, the district offers a number of parenting programs as well as English and literacy classes.

Parenting sessions addressing topics like drugs, bullying, or the Internet begin July 15.

For more information, call (818) 241-3111. It’s always worthwhile to take a minute to ask a question and find out what is available through the public schools.

Here is the latest from cluster schools reporting in.

Glendale High School

Summer School runs through Aug. 4.

Shelley Harrison, Glendale High PTSA president, reports that the PTSA provided the “Take Back the Quad” lunch for faculty and staff on June 23 in appreciation for all of the hard work provided to students this past year.

The new PTSA Board will be reviewing program options for the 2006/07 school year, especially college prep programs, at its annual summer barbecue.

Last but not least, installation of the new electronic sign in front of Glendale High has begun, slated for completion by August.


Middle School

Fay Little, school nurse, reported that her after-school walking program saw eight students faithfully attend each Friday for six weeks.

They also enjoyed learning about, and wearing, the pedometers that were loaned to them.

Students enrolled in Summer School will continue to hit the books through Aug. 4.

The USC Mobile Dental Clinic, sponsored by Glendale Healthy Kids, will provide services to eligible children through July 20. For more information, call (818) 548-7931.

Wilson Middle School

Summer School is in session through Aug. 4, with classes scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Horace Mann

Elementary School

Students and teachers on Tracks A, B and C started their new school year last week.

A Back-to-School Night is set for 6:30 p.m. July 19 at the school for parents and families of students on these tracks. This is always an important event, so please make plans to attend.

R.D. White

Elementary School

Classes for Tracks A, B and C are in session, and Back-to-School Night is set for Thursday. All parents and family members are urged to attend. For more information, call (818) 241-2164.

Track D students begin their new school year July 28. An Executive PTA Board meeting is planned for 6 p.m. July 20 with a general meeting at 7 p.m. in the school library. Parents and community members are invited to attend and to join PTA.


Elementary School

Cerritos students and staff are on summer break. The office reopens on Aug. 21.

John Marshall

Elementary School

If it seems a little quiet, it’s because students and staff at John Marshall are also enjoying summer break, with staff returning to the office Aug. 21.

John Muir

Elementary School

John Muir is another school reporting that students and staff are enjoying their summer break. The office will be staffed again on Aug. 21.

First day of school for traditional schedule is Sept. 5.
