
Crime blotter

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Prospect Ave., La Crescenta, a woman heard a suspicious noise outside her home. She looked out the window and saw a late model black Honda Accord parked near one of her family vehicles. The family later discovered that two spools of wire were missing from the back of their pick-up truck in the 2800 block at 3:45 a.m. on Sunday.

Montrose Ave., Montrose, a tool box, torque wrench and air compressor were stolen from the driveway of a home. The resident reported he heard a noise outside his residence and saw two suspects who were in his driveway trying to close the trunk of their vehicle with his air compressor in it. The trunk wouldn’t close, the suspects got frustrated and threw the compressor onto the driveway. The resident ran outside, questioned them and attempted to stop them from backing out of his driveway. The suspects did not stop and the resident had to move out of the way for fear of being hit in the 2500 block at 5:40 p.m. on Saturday.

Teasley St., La Crescenta, three glass panes were broken in a resident’s living room window. Each had a small hole in the panes in the 2400 block between Oct. 4 and 6.

Figueroa Ave., La Cañada, the driver’s side outside mirror was broken and the rear tail gate of a truck was damaged in the 3600 block overnight on Oct. 4.

La Crescenta Ave., La Crescenta, the rear window of a vehicle was vandalized with a large hole approximately two feet in diameter punched, or shot, through it in the 1900 block over night on Oct. 4.

Alabama St., La Crescenta, the front window of a home was smashed when someone threw an unknown object at the front glass window. The home owner was home at the time, she heard a smashing sound and discovered the damage. She reported that she witnessed a small vehicle in her driveway at the time in the 2300 block at 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 3.

Tip of the Week: Record and keep serial numbers in a safe place.

If your item is stolen and you provide sheriffs with the serial number, it can be entered into a national database.

This will not only assist law enforcement in the prosecution of whoever is in possession of the property, you will also be able to get your property back.

— Ray Harley, Sergeant,

Crescenta Valley Station

Detective Bureau
