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Where do Californians get their water? How does it get here? These and other wet questions were explored during Fremont Elementary School’s assembly titled, “H-2-O: Where do you go?”

The PTA-sponsored assembly on Oct. 13 explained to students where and how water arrives in California. The assembly was enhanced with a little science presented by performers William Barrett and Tuba Heatherton.

“You know, Southern California is a desert,” Barrett explained to the auditorium packed with students.

In the meantime, Henderson, dressed in a snorkel and mask, walked onto the stage amid peals of laughter from the audience.

“We need water for my beautiful grass,” Henderson declared.

The kids listened as Barrett agreed that water makes California green, but the state is naturally a desert and would be a dry region if water wasn’t brought in from other areas.

As information was presented to the students, throughout the assembly Barrett would quiz them on the water cycle.

“Evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection,” Barrett and the students would say together, adding hand gestures to emphasize the meaning of the words.

Barrett and Henderson performed songs about water and water conservation. One of the favorites was a water rap song with Henderson dancing through the crowd.

By the end of the assembly, the students had learned more about where water comes from, why every drop is precious and how, with the help of aqueducts, the water flows to their homes. With the current drought that California is suffering, it was important that the children understood the message of water conservation.

“If you like water, then save it,” Barrett said at the end of the performance.

Henderson and Barrett have performed together for a couple of years and said it is important to get the conservation word out to young audiences.

The pair’s message seemed to resonate with first graders Christopher Campana and Michael O’Gara who laughed throughout the assembly.

“I really liked it,” Campana said.

“It was fun,” O’Gara added.

And hopefully they’ll remember the meaning behind the whole show.

For more information on the assembly, visit
