
10,20,30 Years Ago

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Ten Years Ago

The Glendale Ballroom of the Red Lion Hotel in Glendale was the venue in November 1997 when the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards banquet. The theme for the evening was “Hollywood Awards,” and the ballroom was decked out in movie posters and cut-outs.

Twenty Years Ago

A commercial development, Mt. View Plaza, was planned for the 2700 block of Honolulu Avenue. Retails shops would be housed in the first floor and offices on the second floor of the two-story center. Developer was Gangi-Antanesian Builders.

Thirty Years Ago

A giant remodeling sale was in progress at both locations of Swanson’s Furniture Inc. in Montrose. Among the offerings were furnishings that had been used in the 1977 Pasadena Showcase House of Design.

Forty Years Ago

The hunt was on for the “Heart Princess” of the Verdugo branch of the Los Angeles County Heart Assn. Area girls who were high school juniors and seniors were eligible; candidates were asked to prepare and give a three-minute speech on “Why I want to Help the Heart Assn.”

Fifty Years Ago

Kuchen Klatch was the name of a new enterprise holding its grand opening 50 years ago this week at Ebmeyer’s Bakery on Honolulu Avenue. Manager of the Kuchen Klatch was Claire Ebmeyer, daughter of the bakery’s owners.
