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“That was a great article on the [Mikuni Christian] Church,” wrote George Natsume. “I remember Dr. Soper and the Van Loons. I’m glad they picked up my sister and I and took us to Sunday School. Dr. Soper came to where we farmed and met my parents. His Japanese language was perfect — I guess it had to be for him to be a missionary.

“Later on, we held Sunday School services at 711 S. Central. Later, while I was still in school, I worked at an open-air market on the corner of Broadway and Glendale, just across the street from Radio Station KIEV, where City Hall is now. Also, there was an open-air market on West Broadway where Todai now occupies the space. We lived in Roscoe about five years before it changed its name to Sun Valley. The Getchells took us to Sunday School, they were friends of the Van Loons.”

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