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The City Council will hear a comprehensive study of the Montrose Shopping Park and the top issues merchants there say they face.

City planners collected more than 200 surveys from shop owners and residents who said they fear rising rents on independently owned businesses could spell disaster for the corridor’s “small-town charm.”

The loss of historical character brought on by the possible intrusion of big-box chain stores is also a top worry for respondents.

Community stakeholders also provided the city’s Planning Department with a plethora of concerns and suggested solutions at a November workshop.

The report summarizes the community input and provides council members with several potential planning policies that could help achieve some of the goals suggested by shopping park stakeholders.


The City Council had put off taking any action on community concerns there last year pending the report. Council members will likely discuss the issues raised in the report and give planners direction on what, if any, action to take.


Public Works and parks officials will present the City Council with draft studies on citywide compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Two separate assessments were completed to guide the city’s projected $30-million effort to reach full compliance with the federal accessibility law — one for all city buildings and one for park facilities, event and city programs.

While public input has been part of the process from the beginning, city officials have extended the period for public comments an additional 60 days, after which the two studies will be finalized.


After public comments are received, the city’s ADA Compliance Committee will use the reports to finalize a transition plan that will prioritize accessibility projects.

The council is not expected to take any action on the draft reports, but will eventually use the committee’s report to appropriate future capital improvement funding for the compliance effort.


Glendale Water & Power will propose a new system that would offer solar incentives to all customer classes and change the way in which it collects its Public Benefit Charge from being based on projected sales to based on a percentage of actual sales.

The new appropriations system would designate 3.6% of revenue for public benefits program in order to better meet a state mandate to collect $1.52 million a year.


The council will likely approve the set of recommendations and proposed changes since most of them are meant to better meet state mandates.
