
10/20/30 years ago

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Ten Years Ago

The Los Angeles County Arson/Explosives detail was called to the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station in response to a bomb scare. The event unfolded after an unattended briefcase was found in the station’s parking lot and was suspected of holding explosives. Just before the team began its work, a call came into the station from downtown advising them a county worker had inadvertently left his case in the lot during a visit to the Briggs Avenue facility.

Twenty Years Ago

The Band Box women’s clothing store on Honolulu Avenue held an open house especially for the purpose of celebrating the 80th birthday of a treasured salesperson, Gen O’Leary Whitehead.

Thirty Years Ago

In keeping with the Tut-mania sweeping the Southland due to a Los Angeles exhibit of artifacts from King Tut’s tomb in 1978, Montrose Arts & Interiors advertised its collection of Egyptian art objects and photographs.

Forty Years Ago

The Castaways in Burbank was the venue when the La Crescenta Woman’s Club Juniors held their annual fashion show/luncheon. Theme of the 1968 event was “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

Fifty Years Ago

Bob Stark of the Talako Club for youngsters joined forces with Louis Mesnager, owner of a 720-acre ranch at the north end of Dunsmore Avenue (now Deukmejian Wilderness Park), to start the Inter-Valley Riding and Hiking Club. Riders of all ages and abilities were invited to take either group riding instruction or riding lessons by appointment. A field stone building at the site was being converted into a clubhouse suitable fore meetings, dinners and dances.
