
Intersection red light photo enforcement begins today

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The new red light photo enforcement program begins today, Friday, Feb. 29 in Glendale. Cameras and violation sensors will monitor two of the city’s highest-risk intersection approaches, at Verdugo Road and Mountain Street and at Colorado Street and Pacific Avenue.

According to city officials, the program is an important step to improve safety and traffic flow. Because the program is just beginning, the city and police will be giving drivers who live, work or travel through Glendale a 30-day grace period before actual citations are issued.

“We hope here in Glendale that this sytem will reduce the number of traffic collisions and enhance traffic safety for the public,” said Lt. Carl Povilatis, program manager for the new safety initative. “It is important to us that all Glendale drivers know we’re using photo enforcement and that they have time to learn about his new safety program.”

The Glendale Police Department will issue only warning notices for the first month. The actual citations will be sent to violators, who will be responsible for paying the $380 fine listed on the citation.

— Mary O’Keefe
