
For retiree, reading is fundamental

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When Alexander Edwards was 14, he read nearly 1,500 books in one year to earn a Boy Scouts merit badge.

At 73, Edwards is still an avid reader who enjoys science fiction and literature.

But reading is just one of his pastimes. He has also had a passion for music and acting since he was a boy.

He got involved with theatrical groups, wrote plays and starred in different productions, playing lead and supporting roles.

Edwards worked odd jobs before he retired, but he always managed to find the time to read his favorite books or star in a play.

Since retiring, Edwards spends his time reading daily and writing poetry.

Glendale News-Press news assistant Ani Amirkhanian sat down with Edwards and asked him a few questions.

What do enjoy most about reading?

I used to read everything. I read mystery and science fiction.

I read about a book a day, unless it’s a thick science fiction, then it takes me two days. I enjoy stories. I used to read history books, and now I like to read history through literature. When reading literature, you get a get a better hold of things. You learn more things by reading.

What kind of advice would you give to a young person about reading?

When you read, you should read as often as you can.

I think every child should study Latin, so it will give them background. Books are the cheapest way to travel and learn.

How did you get interested in theater?

I think because my dad was in theater. He wrote plays for his church. He wrote skits for the church and choir.

I once wrote a pageant for Christmas, and I also wrote a play for a high school. It was called “The Unseen Gift.” It was about Santa saying Jesus is a gift.

Santa symbolizes the gift of love and friendship.

Which do you prefer, acting or writing plays?

I think I’m better at acting. That’s what I basically did before I got into playwriting. I was in a few plays: “Romeo and Juliet,” “The Petrified Forest,” “Arsenic and Old Lace.” With acting, I like doing the parts.

Do you have a favorite role?

Being a villain or a bad guy has been fascinating. It’s sort of out of character for me, but it’s fun. It’s enjoyable playing the lead. But any part you play, you have to think about how it plays with other parts. All parts are important.
