
She’s network-driven

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When La Crescenta resident Leslie Lesh joined the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce, she learned there was more to the chamber than just networking and getting the word out about her business.

Lesh, the co-owner of Leo’s All-Star Sports Bar, met new people and found out about their philanthropic efforts for the community.

It didn’t take long for her to get involved.

“It’s a great way to establish relationships in the community,” Lesh, 39, said.

When she joined the chamber four years ago, Lesh participated in different community projects, including fundraisers that helped raise money for student scholarships.

Her commitment was enough for the chamber board to elect her as the honorary mayor of La Crescenta.

As honorary mayor, Lesh is responsible for representing not only the chamber but the La Crescenta area as well. Whenever there is a ribbon-cutting ceremony or an awards presentation, Lesh is on hand to serve as the area’s representative, she said.

“I do it because the board asked me to represent them and that was a huge honor,” she said.

Another philanthropy that Lesh dedicates her time to when she is not working is the Crescenta Valley Fireworks Assn.

Lesh is on the board of directors of the organization, which does fundraising to help pay for the area’s annual July 4th fireworks show.

“We wanted to keep the fireworks tradition alive,” Lesh said.

When it comes to fundraising, Lesh also does her part with her restaurant business to contribute for the good of the community.

Since opening for business about four years ago, Lesh has hosted dinners and donated food for fundraising purposes.

She’s contributed to the Dreaming of Roses, Relay for Life and Glendale Healthy Kids fundraisers.

“If you have a cause and you really believe in it, you put it out there and ask for people to help,” Lesh said. “It’s hard to turn down something for the community.”

But Lesh takes little credit for her efforts. She credits other community leaders who she considers as role models.

“It’s the respect that you gain from leaders in the community that makes you feel so humble,” she said. “That means so much to me.”

Lesh’s commitment hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Since starting a local , Lesh has done her part to contribute to the good of the community, Rick Dinger, past president of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce, said.

“She is very creative and very endearing,” Dinger said. “She brings a whole new dimension and she’s been able to help us out.”
