
MAILBAG - March 19, 2008

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City needs to step up efforts for education

This is in response to the article “City, school board don’t agree on utilities,” Saturday: As a parent of a kindergartner at Glenoaks Elementary School I have become involved in the discussion of the budget cuts for education and am now participating in trying to stop it.

During one of the meetings we had at our school regarding this issue I learned that the city does not contribute any money toward our public schools. When I first heard this I was shocked. I guess I never thought that they wouldn’t.

I assumed that every city helps pay for the education of their citizens, because that is what the children are of our city are; they are citizens of Glendale. Because they don’t work or pay taxes doesn’t mean they don’t have any rights.

One right all children in Glendale have is a right to a good, I should say excellent, education. When I started to think about why the city of Glendale should invest in its citizens I couldn’t think of any reasons why they shouldn’t.

Educating our children, the citizens of Glendale provides the city with an educated work force, attracts others to live and work in our community, ensures that they will not end up on public assistance such as welfare and food stamps or worse commit a crime and go to prison, to name just a few reasons.

The foundation and strength of any community is the people who live and work in it. Foundation means you start with the basic needs and work your way up.

The basic need for all children, rich or poor, is an education.

When I think about my children’s education I think about the long-term effects, not just what is happening today.

Each year builds upon the previous year, which ends in graduation and a goal toward going to college and being successful in your life.

I find it appalling that the city of Glendale does not help its school district. The education system here educates our children, who are a valuable part of this city.

There has to be a way, either by raising city taxes or cutting back on the utilities, to help maintain the high standard that makes Glendale public school so good. Don’t punish our children; they are our future.



? More praise for community servant

I first met Mike Padula 23 years ago coaching 5-year-olds how to play baseball (“La Crescenta man is a hit,” Civic Pride, March 13). Since that time, I have watched Mike and his wife, Joy, devote innumerable hours teaching not just baseball but, most importantly, character and ethics.

It does not matter that Mike has three boys of his own (we all know how crazy that can be), if there is a need, Mike finds the time.

With this knowledge, I was thrilled to see the article on Mike (“La Crescenta man is a hit”, Thursday) in the Glendale News-Press. With a smile on my face I excitedly read the article.

I noticed that by the end, I was feeling a bit disappointed. It just didn’t feel like the article had given Mike enough credit. Perhaps that is because it is very hard to acknowledge all that Mike does and is. It was that feeling that compelled me to write this.

Mike, except for your endless passion for the Yankees, you are an incredible asset to the community and most importantly, thank you for being a fabulous role model. You are a natural with children and adults. And Joy, Chris, Nick and Jason, thanks for sharing Mike with all of us.


La Crescenta

? Funds would be well spent on homeless

I hope to see the city of Glendale remain at the forefront of the charitable commitment to the homeless people among us. We fortunate creatures with food and clothes and roofs over our heads do not know what it is to be hungry, dirty and exposed to the elements as a way of life. Those who endure such conditions have nowhere to turn except to support from communities like ours, whether it is civic, social or religious organizations that provide the assistance they need.

The city of Glendale has dedicated city money and staff resources to care of the homeless. I hope the city will continue to do so.

Burbank also has shown welcome interest in helping the homeless with money and time spent to open a winter shelter when Glendale’s National Guard Armory closed for renovations.

Communities that serve the needs of homeless people are honored and praised for their work, to say nothing of the merit such efforts earn in the eyes of God.

Glendale City Councilman Dave Weaver is worried about infrastructure and public safety, but perhaps resources expended on the homeless can be drawn from the same well bubbling up annual subsidies for the Alex Theatreand Rose Parade floats. Public money paid to keep the Alex open and put flowers on the float could be reapportioned for support of the homeless, conserving infrastructure and public safety funds that might otherwise be committed to the most vulnerable among us.

A question for Glendale City Council members: In our system of representative government, who speaks for the homeless living on the streets of Glendale?


