
Letters Policy

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The Crescenta Valley Sun welcomes letters to the editor representing all viewpoints on issues pertaining to this city. All letters, which should be kept to 350 words or less, must include a name, address, telephone number and signature for verification purposes. Send letters to The Crescenta Valley Sun, P.O. Box 38, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91012; fax 790-5690 or e-mail; Deadline for submittals is noon the Tuesday before a Friday issue. The Valley Sun reserves the right to edit all letters for content, length and clarity.

Guest Column Policy

Our guest column policy is very similar to our Letters policy. Those who wish to express their point of view on matters of local concern are invited to submit draft guest columns of 500-750 words in length to the above address, along with a personal photograph. The publisher-reserves the right to select suitable guest columns for publication and make the determination based on the column’s readability, subject matter and other considerations. Guest columnists are not paid employees of the Valley Sun and their views do not necessarily reflect the views of the paper’s staff.
