
New Glendale fire chief appointed

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After another lengthy nationwide search process, the Glendale City Council has approved the hiring of two individuals to major executive posts with the city.

One of the selections was 18-year Glendale fire department employee Harold Scoggins, who was named fire chief, replacing Chris Gray.

Gray retired in August of 2007, and Don Biggs has been serving as interim chief ever since. Scoggins, now serving as deputy chief, began as a firefighter recruit in 1989. He currently oversees administration, including Verdugo Fire Communications.

Also introduced to the council and formally approved was the new finance director, Glendale resident Bob Elliot. Elliot is currently assistant finance director in Burbank.

Elliot replaces Bob Franz who left Glendale last year to become chief financial officer for Orange County. Since that time, Glendale has had two interim finance directors, Ron Ahlers and Bill Fox, both of whom continue in city service.

Council members have expressed impatience in the past with the search process, especially when strong candidates can be found in city service. Two of the three finalists for fire chief were Glendale employees.

City Manager Jim Starbird said this was the first time he could recall filling two major posts the same day. The only management vacancy which now continues is city librarian.


— By Charles Cooper
