
Finding time for free time

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Audrey Hilbert always knew she wanted to volunteer after she retired but when the time came, she didn’t know where she could lend a helping hand.

A friend recommended she give her time to Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center.

That was more than one year ago. Since then, the Glendale resident has accrued about 800 volunteer service hours at the hospital.

“I think it’s quite a rewarding place to work,” she said.

For three days a week, Hilbert volunteers in different departments of the hospital.

On Tuesdays, she can be found at employee health services filing and doing clerical work around the office.

She plays the role of the cashier and sales clerk on Wednesdays at the hospital’s gift shop, and on Thursdays, Hilbert does paperwork, including preparing evaluation forms for volunteers and completing Tuberculosis forms at the volunteer services office.

One of the most rewarding aspects of her job is the friendship, Hilbert said.

“It gets you out and you can see how you can help someone else who is at a disadvantage,” she said.

She also realizes the benefits of volunteering and encourages others to do the same.

“Other than filling up time, you give back to the community,” Hilbert said. “It gets you out and you help someone who is less advantaged.”

That dedication and caring is obvious to her supervisors.

“She is so great with customers and she wants to do what she can to help,” gift shop manager Allyson Bilello said. “The hospital is very lucky to have her.”

Hilbert is willing to do whatever tasks are thrown her way, because she enjoys them all, she said.

“There isn’t any assignment that I dislike,” Hilbert said, adding that she will likely consider moving to another department to volunteer to gain more experience at the hospital.

Her dedication as a volunteer hasn’t gone unnoticed. Whenever there is a need for extra help, Hilbert is always ready to come in and do her part even when she’s not scheduled to work, Bonnie Butler-Sibbald, volunteer services manager, said.

“She has a willingness to help and pitch in and do whatever there is,” Butler said. “She is so detail-minded and organized. I love to have a dozen of her.”
