
MAILBAG - May 24, 2008

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Airport not the same as when we moved in

I am writing to voice my concerns about the quality of life for those of us who live near Bob Hope Airport.

Often I hear, “You knew the airport was there when you bought your house. Now live with it.” When we moved in 1969 to Burbank, the airport was small, local, landlocked facility for small aircraft only. There were seemingly few, if any, eastern takeoffs and landings over our home.

Since then, the airport has become busy, and accommodates larger aircraft and many freight flights to the detriment of those of us who live nearby.

Sound-proofing is not viable solution, because in order for it to be effective all windows and doors must remain closed. This makes the homeowner a prisoner in their own home and the yard useless.

Before the Federal Aviation Administration makes their decision (“Airport curfew gaining favor,” May 13), I invite them to stay in Burbank, near the airport, to hear for themselves what we must endure. Let them honestly consider how they would like to put up with all this noise.

Please, I implore the FAA, allow the mandatory curfew to be implemented.

Thank you for your consideration. I hope for a satisfactory resolution for the homeowners of this area.




Story doesn’t give coach a fair shake

Regarding Crescenta Valley High School teacher and assistant football coach Alan Eberhart and the locker room incident at Crescenta Valley High School (“Students suspected after attack,” Tuesday). I remember from high school civics in 1950 that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Isn’t it interesting that one of his accusers just happens to be a Glendale News-Press employee? Was it just by chance that Angela Hokanson’s article has a banner headline and a picture of Alan Eberhart? Sounds like a kangaroo court to me.

If Eberhart needs a lawyer, I will be the first to contribute to his defense fund.

I don’t think I will be alone.


La Crescenta


Graduation story hit home with subjects

On behalf of the Adelante Latinos committee, I wish to thank you for your support of our committee’s efforts by having Ani Amirkhanian and a photographer at our event on Sunday.

The article (“Latino students win awards for their artwork,” May 19) on the front page spoke volumes to us. Realizing a dream is important to everyone.

For many of our Latino students, the first “giant step” of this dream is not only graduating from high school but successfully moving into university/college.

To keep that focus in mind, we always have guest speakers who have succeeded while overcoming some very difficult obstacles in their lives.

The marvelous quotes from students and parents are indicative of the efforts to our district, schools and staff to emphasize the importance of continuing their education beyond high school.

We would like to note that the artwork on display, while having been done by Latino students, was not necessarily done by the awardees of our event.

Oftentimes, we have Latino band members who also participate in the entertainment portion of the program. It is our way to show how well-rounded an education students are receiving in Glendale.


La Crescenta

EDITOR’S NOTE: Leinenweber is the chairwoman of Adelante Latinos.
