
Despite the wet weather, students are on the move

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Some wheeled. Some walked. Some were carried on others’ shoulders.

It was the wheel-a-walk-a-thon on Friday morning at College View School — Glendale’s school for students with special needs — where transportation modes were more diverse than a typical walk-a-thon.

Students traveled around a loop inside the school with teachers, parents and student volunteers from Glendale High School.

Every College View student participated, whether that meant being pushed in a wheelchair, walking while holding a teacher’s hand or supporting their peers from the sidelines, Principal Jay Schwartz said.

“They’ll walk, they’ll wheel, they’ll cheer, they’ll smile,” she said.

The event, which is in its eighth year, raises funds for College View’s summer enrichment activities, Schwartz said.

Parents and community members were invited to pledge money on behalf of participating students.

The money will be used to take students on field trips or to bring special activities to the school during the summer, Schwartz said.

“Every little bit helps, especially in these crazy funding times,” she said.

The wheel-a-walk-a-thon was scheduled to be held in the driveway loop outside the school, but Friday’s rain moved it indoors.

Groups of students and their escorts looped around the inside of the school. They passed students who cheered and waved streamers as well as a clown who handed out balloon animals.

Andrea Crissman walked behind her 4-year-old son, Daniel, and encouraged him as he spun the wheels on a new wheelchair, propelling himself forward.

“Yeah, Daniel — go, go, go,” Crissman cheered.

About a dozen Glendale High football players strolled alongside the College View students.

“It’s real nice to be with the kids, help out,” said Mario Portillo, 16, as he walked hand-in-hand with a College View student.

For some students, the 15 minutes of walking was actually a valuable physical therapy, Schwartz said. This included Possum Peled, 4, who is recovering from a medical procedure that involved having his legs broken, said his mother, Karen Young.

“It’s actually a big thing for him to walk,” she said.

Andrea Fay, a speech therapist at the school, said the event was a good way to connect the community with the school while providing students with an entertaining activity. “They enjoy that there’s something different going on,” Fay said.

By the end of the day, the event raised more than $6,000.
