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While many look at Memorial Day as an extra day off, I look at it as a day to honor those who have sacrificed for the rest of us. So when I was told I would be covering several Memorial Day events for the paper on Monday, I thought that would give me several opportunities to honor those who sacrificed for me.

After photographing the ceremonies in Montrose, I knew I had plenty of good art that could run in the paper. So I tried looking for something different and special at the Glendale ceremony.

Upon my arrival, I noticed the walls with the names of those killed while serving the country. I knew this would make a special photo, I just didn’t know how. I shot a few things — a tight shot of the names, a veteran reflected in the wall, people looking at the wall. They were all nice but not what I wanted. Then the ROTC member approached the wall, stopped and saluted. I had my photo.

— Alex Collins
