
MAILBAG - June 20, 2008

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Amazing teacher deserves thanks

Thank you, Glendale News-Press, for your article on Matt Dalton, the amazing teacher from Valley View Elementary in La Crescenta (“Math students get on board,” In the classroom, June 10).

While the few paragraphs were able to show an engaging math session in his classroom, there is not enough room in the newspaper to show what an amazing teacher this young man is.

Though his homework load is burdensome, kids clamor to be able to have him as their teacher.

This says nothing about the other teachers at our school, but everything about the respect all the students at Valley View have for him.

Having sat in the classroom, I have felt the electricity and intensity as he has them compete to see who can answer questions fastest, while still managing to pull in all the students to be involved and excited.

He immerses the children in their history, not just teaching with reports and lectures, but by breaking the students into colonies. The students then have to arrange their rules, government, protection and necessities.

They even write a newspaper, create a flag and built a model of their colony.

He, along with two other teachers, helped create the much anticipated Colonial Day where every child dresses in Colonial style; learns games; crafts; chores, like butter and candle making; and even how to dance the Virginia Reel.

By the end of the year, all the parents who have sweated, cheered, complained and worked hard right along with their fifth-grade student heave a sigh of relief.

But they also find they not only have a better student, but a better person. He reminds them to take care of themselves, be respectful of others, help their parents and family.

Unfortunately we are losing Dalton this year, as he takes his next step on his way to become a principal.

While I am loath to have him leave a classroom and the 35 students blessed to be there, as well as all the children looking forward to being taught by him in the future, he told me he hopes to be able to touch more children, as well as make all the teachers better at what they do.

I respect that.

And boy, will we miss him around here.


La Crescenta

? In Theorist ought to be applauded

In the last year, I found the Rev. Bryan Griem’s opinions on many different subjects to be expression of one’s faith in the truth. And when one stands for the truth, the critics attack.

His last remarks (“Religion’s place in politics,” In Theory, Saturday) received opposition from those who criticized his sayings because he did not compromise.

Why is it that the other faith column writers do not receive such attacks?

We need leaders in every aspect of life to tell the truth even when so many don’t want to hear it.

Thank you, Griem.




Everyone needs to do their part

I noticed the Verdugo Hills Golf Course the other day when I drove on Tujunga Canyon Road and I wondered about its status.

Then I saw a Glendale News-Press article (“Verdugo Hills bill gets pulled,” June 11) saying that a state assemblyman had tried to pull a fast maneuver at the state level to get approval for the construction of homes by the developer.

I am shocked and appalled by this situation. I’m glad that bill was stopped in its tracks.

I urge everyone living in the foothills to contact local government officials to let them know about the desire of this community to have an appropriate use of this wonderful open space.

We do not need more homes. We do need open and recreational space.

We do not have enough water for existing residences, so why build more homes?

We don’t need more traffic in this already clogged area. We don’t need the added noise and pollution caused by increased traffic.

The golf course is an amazing property that needs to be saved. We could continue to use the golf course, but there are also wonderful ideas about adding other kinds of recreation, so that even more of us can benefit.

Let’s preserve our open space with the ancient oak trees. Isn’t this a great way to save our environment from the wrath of global warming? We can and should all do our part to save this wonderful open space.

Things won’t change if each and every one of us doesn’t do our part.


La Crescenta

? Council takes big step on smoke issue

The council took a big step Tuesday night to help solve the devastating effects of second-hand smoke (“Council eases up on smoking,” Wednesday)

I hope that that the council will in the final version of the ordinance address the plight of apartment residents who made a rock-solid case for the ordinance to include apartments.

Bravo and thank you to Councilman Dave Weaver for taking the lead on this important health issue.

Thanks also to the Glendale News-Press for reporting on Councilman Bob Yousefian’s comments.

Speakers including representatives from the American Cancer Society and the lung association spoke on the adverse health effects of second-hand smoke.

But Yousefian knows better than those speakers as well as the U.S. surgeon general’s report that second-hand smoke kills. Yousefian says that the ordinance will not save one life. Shame on him.


