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The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday unanimously approved a motion opposing state legislation that would allow pharmaceutical companies to send patients mail without their authorization.

The Senate approved Montebello state Sen. Ron Calderon’s bill Tuesday 21 to 16.

The bill would allow companies to send written communications that instruct patients to contact their doctor or pharmacy if they have questions about a medication or if the patient is having difficulty adhering to the medication due to adverse effects, dosing requirements or other causes.

Supervisor Michael Antonovich, whose district includes Glendale and Burbank, led the fight against the bill, citing the potential breach of confidentiality he fears could result if the bill is made law.

Antonovich floated a motion, which they approved 5-0, to send a letter opposing the bill to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the members of the Senate and Assembly.

“This dangerous measure would significantly threaten patient privacy rights and violate the doctor-patient relationship,” Antonovich said in a statement.

Adams Hill leader says he’ll run for City Council

Michael Teahan, president of the Adams Hill Homeowners Assn., has filed his candidate intention statement for the 2009 City Council election. He is the first nonincumbent to officially join the race.

“I got tired of people asking me all the time,” Teahan said.

As president of the homeowners association and a small-business owner, Teahan has been active in numerous hillside planning initiatives, quality-of-life issues and a vocal opponent of business in the Adams Square district that operate in violation of city zoning codes.

Teahan is in the process of forming his campaign team and election platform, but said he would push heavily for a view protection ordinance, business licenses and to streamline business regulations.

Councilmen Bob Yousefian, Frank Quintero and Ara Najarian have all said they intend to run for reelection.

The trio already have thousands of dollars in their campaign war chests, either through recent fundraisers or money left over from previous elections.

After filing his intent forms on Monday, Teahan can now begin fundraising for the April election. He has committed to a $100-per-donor campaign contribution limit.

“I think the campaigns have gotten out of hand,” he said. “If you can’t get elected by shaking hands and meeting people’s concerns, then you don’t have any business running.”

Congress passes nuclear ‘fingerprinting’ law

Congress passed a bill Wednesday that aims to strengthen national efforts in tracking nuclear materials across global borders.

The Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act will direct scientists at the Department of Homeland Security to develop nuclear forensics capabilities, such as “fingerprinting” techniques that allow officials to track potentially devastating weapons around the world.

The bill was passed at the behest of Rep. Adam Schiff, who serves on the Select Intelligence Oversight Panel and last saw the bill through the House Homeland Security Committee in May.

“Nuclear states like North Korea may be deterred from transferring nuclear material if they know it can be traced back to them,” he said.

It will also call upon the president to negotiate international agreements to govern international nuclear forensics activities in an attempt to uncover foreign reactors and international stockpiles.

“If we can determine the source of the nuclear material, we can better attack smuggling networks and plug the security holes that allow deadly material to be obtained in the first place,” Schiff said.
