
Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce:

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“There is no barrier too high, no valley too dream too extreme, no challenge too great.”

— Charles Swindoll

The Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce is undertaking a big challenge this month with our membership drive. We feel our dream of a whole new Crescenta Valley is not too extreme. Joining the chamber is an investment in your community. The Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce is a collective force to make known the physical needs of our community. It is a gathering center with which to inform the community and advise it of current events affecting them. It is a fundraising entity that gives much needed money to schools and programs in the Crescenta Valley. By investing in your community and the chamber, you will be elevating your Crescenta Valley, while also becoming informed through our mailings, publications and website.

We are inviting for local businesses and residents to join our chamber with a special offer. Until June 30, residential membership for the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce is only $25. For local businesses until June 30, we are waiving the $25 enrollment fee for business membership. During our membership drive, CV Chamber membership for up to four employees will cost only $99.

For less than 30 cents a day, you can help your community, support the businesses in your community and the schools in the Crescenta Valley.

As a member of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce you will be invited to all our events, receive our newsletters and be supporting your community.

The Chamber had two great events this last week. First, we had a fantastic mixer at Caspian Services where over 60 business professionals mingled and exchanged business cards. Leonard at Caspian Services had great food and refreshments and everyone had a terrific time. At the mixer Grace Chase and Howard Hakes had the honor of presenting scholarship checks to four deserving CVHS students: Annalisa Sevaly, Caitlyn Anne Cox, Michele Kang and Nicole Abou-Chakra.

The next event was 20/20 Power Monday: Speed Networking on June 16. Our powerful presenter, Barry Eisen, asked the group, “Ever felt stuck?” He continued with, “You know what to do, you know you’ll do it well, but you just can’t seem to get out of your own way. Paralysis by analysis has destroyed the best of intentions and cost the most brilliant their success. Ever see yourself passed by someone with a fraction of your ability, talent, and caring …and then notice their accomplishments exceeded yours only because they were ‘there,’ being in action while you thought about getting ‘there’ and into action? The world is filled with talented, well intended people. The world doesn’t care about talented people with good intentions unless they are willing to show up, pay attention and take action decisively in the first appropriate moment.”

So remember, there is no challenge too great! Dream big!

Important dates: Sept. 10: Foothill Community Business Expo; Sept. 13: Hometown Country Fair. Important Chamber numbers/e-mails/ website: (818) 248-4957 / /

JULIA RABAGO is the executive director of the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce.
