
Montrose–Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce:

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Are you ready for the summer heat? It is definitely here. This is always when I regret not having a pool. So, every summer I say, “I want a pool!” The funny thing is all my friends who have a pool say they hardly use it, even in the summer. I ask why, but they don’t know. I think maybe people are busier now or just don’t entertain as much. Maybe it’s just that old saying that we always want what we don’t have. I’ll see you at the beach.

We would like to welcome and introduce two new members to the Chamber: Riley & Associates Advertising is owned by Michael Riley. If you have an idea and want to increase your exposure in the community, give Mike a call at (818) 248-1232.

Secured Financial Services is located at 466 Foothill Blvd., Suite 250 in La Cañada. Contact Richard Marquis at (818) 956-3830 to see how he can help you with your mortgage.

Chamber members: Please help me get more automated. I need e-mail addresses for you, so if you think I don’t have yours, send me an e-mail at

The Foothills Community Business Expo is Wednesday, Sept. 10 at Verdugo Hills Hospital. This is an excellent way for Chamber members to advertise their business in the community. This may be a great time to join the Chamber if not already a member and showcase your business. This event is co-hosted by all three chambers — Crescenta Valley, La Cañada Flintridge and Montrose-Verdugo City. Contact any of these chambers for details.

We would love to have a big showing at our July mixer set for July 9 at Jenkins Properties Management Company. We will be honoring our long time members for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of membership. We will also announce our scholarship winners.This is a special mixer and you should come and be part of it.

The July Artwalk is on July 12. Are you an artist who always wanted to show your talent? Spaces are available.

A huge thank you to Vito Cannella for his efforts in creating Flag Week and for his continuing service, even after 42 years.

We need your support in helping the Chamber put on Montrose’s “big event.” I can only be talking about Oktoberfest. The date is set for Oct. 4 and your assistance will make the difference.

Thank you to these businesses that are already supporting Oktoberfest 2008: Major Sponsor — Montrose Travel. Additional sponsors are Robbin’s Nest Preschool, New Moon Restaurant, S.I.G. Property Management, Cal National Bank and Andy’s Transfer & Storage.

The Chamber can be reached Monday though Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and on Friday from 9 a.m. until noon at (818) 249-7171. We can also be reached by e-mail at We want to hear from you.

The Montrose–Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce “It’s where you belong.”

MARIAN E. JOCZ is the executive director of the Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce.
