
Crash at JPL entrance

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Jet Propulsion Laboratory had some Earthly excitement on Tuesday morning when a man refused to yield at the entrance of the first gate and crashed his vehicle into the barricades of the second gate.

According to Veronica McGregor at JPL, information on the man who was driving the vehicle is sketchy because they have not received much information from the Altadena Sheriff’s Department, which is handling the case.

What is known is that a man who was being pursued by a sheriff’s patrol vehicle ignored commands to stop at the first entrance gate at JPL. He drove past those gates, McGregor said, and security immediately contacted security at the second gate to warn them of the vehicle. The driver then crashed his vehicle at the second, main gate, entrance area. California Highway Patrol, Los Angeles County Fire Department, JPL security and Altadena Sheriffs responded to the accident. There were no injuries reported.

Det. Anderson at the investigating Altadena Sheriff’s Station could not comment on the incident at press time.
