
New appointees welcomed

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A special meeting of the Glendale Unified School board on Monday announced the appointment of four new positions within the district.

Michelle Doll will replace outgoing Rosemont Middle School principal Sally Buckley, who decided to retire at the end of this school year. Buckley has served as Rosemont principal for the past six years; before that she had a long history with the Glendale district, serving as principal at Lincoln and Glenoaks elementary schools.

Doll leaves Glendale High School as associate principal. She is currently completing her dissertation at the University of Southern California. She received her master’s degree in education and bachelor’s degree in history from Loyola Marymont.

“This is wonderful,” Doll said of her Rosemont appointment. “I haven’t met the faculty yet but I am planning on meeting them. I will also have a meeting with the parents.”

Doll said that she would like to invite the parents, as well as the students, to a meeting where they can get to know each other. She added that she wants to continue the many programs that Buckley put into place over her tenure, including school tours for families.

“Leaving Glendale [High School] is bittersweet,” she said.

Doll thanked the many Glendale High supporters that came to the meeting. She also introduced and thanked her parents for their encouragement.

“I wouldn’t be here today without their support,” she said.

Three other positions were announced at Monday’s meeting. They included Katherine Fundukian as assistant superintendent, educational services, Cynthia McCarty as principal of Glenoaks Elementary School and Cuauhtemoc Avila as principal of Daily High School.

Fundukian will replace Alice Petrossian, who has accepted the position as chief education officer in the Pasadena Unified School District. Petrossian has served in the Glendale district for over 30 years. She is well respected by her peers and has been recognized many times by the educational community for her work.

“I know I am following in the footsteps of someone who has left a legacy,” Fundukian said.

Board members praised Superintendent Michael Escalante for the thorough process used to find and hire the recent appointees.

“It was an inclusive process,” said Chakib Sambar, school board clerk.

He explained that the only person the board actually hires is the superintendent. Escalante, in turn, hires other personnel that are approved, or not approved, by the school board.

“Now, you are a member of a team,” Sambar told the newly appointed educators.

Nayiri Nahabedian, board member, greeted the new members and thanked them for their service.

“Your commitment is precious to us, our students are precious to us,” she said. “We welcome you to the next chapter in your life.”

Board vice president Mary Boger said she was proud of the district and felt a “real pride” for the newly appointed members that were promoted from within the district.

Avilia served for many years in the Compton Unified School District but was most recently served as assistant principal at Glendale High. Fundukian, until her appointment, served as principal at Glendale High. McCarty is the only appointment that was not working in the Glendale district. She was principal at Pico Canyon Elementary in Newhall. McCarty does have a history with Glendale, though. She was assistant principal at Muir Elementary, interim principal at Mann and a teacher at Glendale schools including Valley View and Fremont Elementary Schools.
