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The board adopted a tentative budget for the college for the 2008-09 fiscal year.

The board went over the tentative budget in detail during a budget study session on June 16.

The college’s budget predicts about $83 million in revenues for its unrestricted general fund for the year. College officials already cut $1.3 million from the college’s budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year and will need to cut another $780,000 before the college’s final budget is adopted.


The college’s budget will be available for public review in the college president’s office during business hours between Aug. 18 and 25.

The board will hold a public hearing on the final budget at 5 p.m. on Aug. 25.

The board is slated to vote on the final budget at its meeting on Sept. 15.


The trustees unanimously approved a resolution regarding Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year and the impact it would have on the college.

The resolution states that Glendale Community College would lose about $3.4 million next year due to the governor’s proposal not to give community colleges any cost-of-living adjustment.

In the resolution, the trustees encouraged the governor and the state Legislature to discuss all possibilities to fully fund public education, including the use of new revenue sources.


The resolution is intended to convey the college’s stance on the budget to the state’s legislative conference committee.


College trustees rejected a resolution the Glendale College Guild proposed on salaries and collective bargaining.

The resolution stated that the district balanced its 2007-08 budget “on the back of its employees,” that the district abandoned years of past practice and didn’t set aside sufficient funds for employee salaries this year; and that the district will make a commitment to set aside adequate funds for competitive salary increases in 2008-09 and in coming years, among other things.

The aim of the resolution was to make salary negotiations more productive in the coming years, according to the guild.


The resolution died because no trustee made a motion to approve it.

The trustees each gave various reasons for why they couldn’t support the resolution. Some said the way the resolution was written appeared confrontational.

Trustee Victor King said the college couldn’t legally vote on a resolution that stated that it engaged in surface bargaining.
