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Glendale merchants kicked off their summer film series with “The Untouchables” at the Alex Theatre on June 18. Before the film, a VIP dinner reception on the second floor was catered by Damon’s Steak House.

But all the action was in the courtyard. There, members of Glendale finest whizzed by at 12 mph on two-wheel Segways — self-balancing personal transporters. The Glendale Police Foundation’s Community Police Partnerships (COPPS) Unit is the recipient of the evening’s proceeds, which will go toward equipment to help patrol the downtown area with bicycles and Segways.

The film series is co-sponsored by the Downtown Glendale Merchants Assn. and Massage Envy Spa, whose owner Helen McDonagh and husband, Andrew McDonagh, greeted movie-goers. Members of the Summer Film Series coordinating committee present were Harry Hall, Patrick Campbell, Sgt. John Gilkerson, Lt. Gary Montecuollo and Officer Patrick Hamblin, demonstrating one of the $5,400 Segways with panache.

Alex Theatre Executive Director Barry McComb and marketing maven Elissa Glickman played host and hostess. Spotted in the crowd of several dozen was Glendale FastFrame owner Vickie McConnell, helping man the Glendale Police Foundation merchandise table with Officer Maribel Feeley, accompanied by her K-9 companion, Yudy.

Members of the Alex Film Society (as distinguished from the evening’s merchants’ Summer Film Series) were also in support, including President Randy Carter and Glendale Arts board member Brian Ellis.

The next film in the series, “American Graffiti,” will screen on July 30.

Soroptimist International of Glendale installed its new 2008-09 officers at the Hilton Glendale on Thursday. The organization’s theme, “Passion in Action,” will be carried out by President-elect Sandy Schultz, who will lead a slate of officers including First Vice President Lisa McMurry, Second Vice President Sandy Doughty, Recording Secretary Susan Hunt, Corresponding Secretary Liz Mirzaian and Treasurer Lou Rhodes.

Soon-to-be immediate Past President Margo Bottcher called the program to order and thanked members and guests for their support.

“We’ve had a banner year with . . . 10 new members,” Bottcher said.

She also recalled Soroptimist’s first “Pajama Gathering Party” for which members raised funds for and wrapped more than 81 pairs of new pajamas for women and children in the YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter and other Glendale charities.

Glendale City Councilman Dave Weaver offered the city’s appreciation to Bottcher. He also reminded his audience that wife Linda is a loyal Soroptimist, but duties at her work kept her from attending the installation luncheon.

Those who were able to steal away from a busy work day included more 2008-09 officers Jill Lewis, Kathy Lefkovits, Beverley Scott, Carolyn Stelter, Heather McCormick Gayle Craig, Carol Merry and Anne Wilson.

Paula Devine, vice-chair on the Glendale Commission on the Status of Women, also participated in the installation as assistant recording secretary.

Soroptimist Olive Warner received the Laurel Society Award for her outstanding volunteerism.

Presentations were also given to Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Glendale Memorial Hospital and Verdugo Hills Hospital, among the first to introduce digital mammography.

Hint to all “Bras for a Cause” supporters — the theme for next year’s Soroptimist fundraiser in April will be “Bras for a Cause Goes to Work.”

Start decorating those bra donations now.

 RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
