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The 31st annual Meals on Wheels benefit salad bar luncheon will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 22 at the First United Methodist Church, 130 N. Kenwood St., Glendale.

Last year $1,427 was raised for the Meals on Wheels program for homebound seniors operated by the Glendale Salvation Army.

Tickets will be sold at the door for $7, and all proceeds will go to the program to assist those who can’t afford the meal.

Church Women United of Glendale is the sponsor and is supported with many volunteers from the local churches.

There will be homemade meat salads, fruit salads, deviled eggs and breads.

There also will be salads from local restaurants.



Las Candelas installed their new officers at a meeting at the home of Liz Reynolds of Glendale.

The new officers are President Karen Whyte, First Vice President Diane Russell; second vice presidents Ellyn Semler and Anna Brewer; mentor Jeannie Flint-Werbelow; and third vice presidents Pattie McCormick and Margaret Steenken.

More are mentor Debbie Hinckley; fourth vice presidents Glady Kabateck and Dianne Endsley; fifth vice presidents Louise Lewis and Ginger Whitesell; Sixth Vice President Cathy Keen; Recording Secretary Nancy Stone; Corresponding Secretary Monica Sierra; Treasurer Ann Jones; Philanthropy Treasurer Liz Reynolds; and Parliamentarian Mary Boger.

Whyte is serving as president for the second year and Keen will be the chairwoman of the fashion show benefit luncheon for the second time. The event is March 2 at the Burbank Marriott Hotel.

Keen has chosen “Tenderly” for the theme for the fundraiser as she believes this describes the love and tenderness the Las Candelas women show the children that they work with.

With the funds earned at this biennial event, they bring monthly “stores” to Hillsides and Hathaway-Sycamores schools, where students redeem their good conduct points for toys, books, games, small electronics, jewelry, stuffed animals and sports equipment.

Movie passes and restaurant coupons are given to the children each holiday season. Las Candelas underwrite internships at Glen Roberts Child Study Center and provide help to the children in the Glendale YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter.

They also provide mental health services to the children through Glendale Healthy Kids.


Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild earned $160,000 from its fundraisers that will go toward its pledge of $1 million to the Roy and Patricia Disney Cancer Center.

Pat Modrzejewski, president of Providence Health System Foundations, received the check during the guild’s annual Recognition and Installation Tea on June 11 at Lakeside Golf Club.

Grace Mylroie Patz performed the installation of the new officers. They are Lucy Brown, president; Judy McDowell, first vice president; Kathleen Marsden, second vice president; Sharon Reid, treasurer; Patricia Heaton, recording secretary; Audrey Yates, corresponding secretary; Janice Khoury, Fall Event director; Maria Blake, finance director; Donna Mahoney, Spring Event director; DeeDee Walser, Special Event director; Jackie Van Beverern, gift shop, chairwoman; Terry Campbell, press chairwoman; Pat Scully, program chairwoman; and Angie Scholl, parliamentarian.
