
MAILBAG - July 14, 2008

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Why isn’t texting included in law?

Pleasantly roused by the apparent exception of sensibility exercised by our state in enacting a law restricting cell-phone use while driving, I was nevertheless vexed and perplexed at discovering that the two activities most intensely tearing ones attention from where it should be when driving — dialing and texting — are still quite legal to engage in (“Cell phone enforcement begins,” July 1).

What could be the explanation for the impossible assumption that texting is OK while driving?

This dubious law, then, will shift and elevate a distraction, determined to be of unacceptable risk to human life, to something worse, the more complete focus of mind necessary when texting.

My apologies to Jane Austen when I modify her words and declare this a frightening example of “Senseless sensibilities.”




Surprised at debate over pro-fight ban

I saw that the Glendale News-Press is interested in feedback regarding the issue of allowing boxing at the Civic Auditorium (“Ban on pro fights revisited,” July 4).

Well, of course we need this type of activity.

I am totally surprised that there would be any debate. We need to teach our children about black eyes, bloody noses and permanent brain damage under the guise of “entertainment” for the masses. Let’s go for it.

Let’s not stop with boxing. I support the City Council conducting studies on bringing in pit bull and cock fighting.

Maybe the city can get Rick Caruso to sponsor these events at the Americana at Brand. The grassy area, known in some circles as a “park,” would be the perfect place.

Let us not forget the possibility of some good-old fashioned “wagering” that might help the city balance its budget.

The possibilities are endless.

I urge the council to show some real ambition to enhance the future reputation of our city.

So let’s start with the boxing and build the city’s character and enhance its reputation from there.

Once boxing gets its foot in the door, we can all clamor for more blood and gore.

Boxing will bring revenue, and we need look no further for its many attributes that it will bring to our “jewel” city. Round One coming up.

It is most enlightening to read all these letters on how boxing will restore Glendale to a noble level of civilization, and place it in the forefront of municipal prominence.

This is all the more important, since, as a recent article has noted, “A Noise Within,” a critically acclaimed theater company, is, after 17 years, moving to a more hospitable location in Pasadena, where theater arts are more recognized and appreciated.



? Fights in Glendale would be fitting

The former Masonic Temple on South Brand Boulevard is referred to as old, decrepit and has a “horror movie” image.

All this coincides with a recent documentary on the death of boxing in Los Angeles, starting with the glory days of the world heavyweight title fight in 1906, down to the present-day seedy, tawdry, virtually non-attended events and the rise of kickboxing, and other gory events as a substitute.

So, what better place to relocate the corpse than the old Masonic Temple (“Ban on pro fights revisited,” July 4)?

Think about it; you could put the heavyweights on the ground floor, and the old ramshackle structure could support lightweights and featherweights on the upper floors.

The building certainly would be in keeping with the gritty, grimy historic image of boxing arenas, such as the Olympic Auditorium in downtown Los Angeles.

You really need a downtown setting for boxing, and most importantly, here you would be across the street from the Americana with its world-class restaurants and shops.

You would also have a built-in audience from all those luxury condos.

We all know how the chardonnay crowd loves blood sports, and they could cheer to their hearts content.

This seems like a fitting trade for Glendale; a nationally acclaimed theater group for a boxing ring.


