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The staff of El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument is preparing an exhibit on Italian Americans in Los Angeles, and they are seeking information on the Pelanconi family and their ranch, “which existed from at least the 1870s in what is formerly Tropico (now Glendale),” wrote Caitlan C. Clerkin of El Pueblo.

“Antonio Pelanconi and his brother Lorenzo were prominent Italian Americans in the L.A. Italian community, as well as in Glendale.”

If you have photos, maps or other information on the Pelanconis, please contact Mariann Gatto, curator, at (213) 485-8432 or

Linda Gubler Junge, director of public information at Glendale Unified School District, wrote that she enjoyed seeing early 1900s Glendale through the eyes of Genevieve Berman Fisher.

“I would love to meet her and/or hear more about her life now and reflections on the growth and change she has seen. How fascinating it must have been to talk to someone who has seen so much history. Thanks for sharing it in the News-Press.”

 If you have questions, comments or memories to share, please write to Verdugo Views, c/o News-Press, 221 N. Brand Blvd. 2nd Floor, Glendale, CA 91203. Please include your name, address and phone number.
