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The reunion committee of the Class of 1937 from Hoover High School continues to meet for lunch every three months.

The last time they got together was in June at Shaker’s Restaurant. The last class reunion was the 63rd, which was held in 2000 at the Oakmont Country Club, the same place the class held its first one, said class member Clara Mae Tronowsky.

Most of the remaining class members will be 89 years old in the next few months. One is already 90, and another will be on Aug. 12.

Members are Grace “Brock” Carnevale, Don Perry, Marjorie “Brown” Jonkey, Les Jonkey, Betty “Reilly” Coffey, Helen “Young” Ostendorf, “Ozzie” Ostendorf, Carmela “Paonessa” Hicks, Inez “Smith” Truger, Dorothy “Fuge” Atkinson, Tom French and Clara Ma “Roe” Tronowsky.


The Alameda Writers Group hosts Writers Boot Camp founder and President Jeffrey Gordon who will present, the conceptual development process for tying down a story prior to beginning the writing process, at the monthly meeting today at the Glendale Central Library, 222 E. Harvard St., Glendale

Doors open at 9:45 a.m., and the meeting begins at 10 a.m.. Admission is free, and the library validates parking in the Good Guys parking structure at Harvard and Maryland.

Gordon takes participants through 90 minutes of conceptual development designed to help writers get stories tied down prior to beginning the writing process. While the six-week intensive Writers Boot Camp process was designed mainly for screenwriters, the techniques offered might be beneficial to writers in all formats and genres.

With experience working for the William Morris Agency, and having reading scripts as a story analyst for many prominent indie companies, Gordon created the screenwriting tools that led to setting up the Writers Boot Camp.

The writer’s group presents lectures by novelists, screenwriters, agents, producers, and other industry professionals at free monthly meetings.

In addition, members may attend special interest groups that offer support and feedback for works-in-progress.

For more information, visit or e-mail feedback@alamedawriters
