
MAILBAG - Aug. 9, 2008

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Councilman on a streak of slip-ups

City Councilman Dave Weaver has been on a streak of slip-ups lately (“Weaver’s remarks slammed”).

While being completely out-of-date with the tolerant politics of the present, which he showed in his interview to the Pasadena Weekly, he failed to take credit for the answers he gave to the newspaper and let Mayor John Drayman appear culpable of the words that he had never uttered.

It is imperative that Weaver apologize to Drayman and to Glendale residents for failing to take credit for his words until he absolutely had to.

While what Weaver has already said is irreversible, he can somewhat remedy his reputation by apologizing to the Armenian-American population of Glendale for completely stereotyping them and attributing a false claim that smoking is an Armenian cultural element.

This accusation was debunked by the Armenian National Committee, which revealed in a presentation at the July 29 meeting that the majority of Armenian respondents to their survey do not smoke.

Therefore, for Weaver, it is vital that he shows up to next week’s meeting and express a sincere apology.



Weaver not setting a good example

I am deeply insulted by Glendale City Councilman Dave Weaver’s recent comments to the Pasadena Weekly and his reluctance to acknowledge such seemingly biased and discriminatory comments at the July 29 Glendale City Council meeting (“Weaver’s remarks slammed,” Thursday).

I feel it is the duty of our mayor and the council to set an example for the upcoming generation as opposed to introducing and instigating negative stereotypes and prejudices into the community.

What example has Weaver set for his community and for kids attending schools in Glendale and La Crescenta?

When is the intolerance going to end?

Maybe it will end when Weaver decides to fulfill the expectations of his many constituents, or maybe it will end when he is finally asked to resign.


La Crescenta

Weaver must learn from comments

I have been following the controversy surrounding City Councilman Dave Weaver since the City Council meeting on July 29.

Besides my obvious concerns with his comments in the article in the Pasadena Weekly, I’m disappointed that someone of such high standards would stoop to such an unprofessional manner.

I think the Glendale News-Press article (“Weaver’s remarks slammed”), does not address the essential issue at hand — Weaver’s action of targeting the Armenian American community of Glendale.

The article disguises this controversy as a conflict between the Glendale Chapter of the Armenian National Committee and Weaver.

This conflict is about Weaver’s willingness to attack one segment of the population while he discusses a smoking-ban ordinance.

Targeting a minority, or any specific group, is an unethical road to take. If he is unwillingly to publicly apologize for his behavior, then he will not learn and continue to misrepresent not only the Armenian-American community of Glendale, but any other group he chooses to target in future ordinances.


Granada Hills

People should respect park areas

I was singularly incensed on a recent Sunday morning when I hiked up the Las Flores motorway to the intersection with the crestal Verdugo motorway.

Usually during my hikes, I pick up a variety of trash and almost always a few drink containers.

I pick up the containers while uttering some choice profanities at the people that are too lazy to bring their empties back down the hill.

However, on this recent Sunday, by the water tank at the motorways’ intersection, a popular resting spot, there were eight empty bottles tossed on the ground and into the brush over the side.

As I slid down the slope picking up those empties, only some nearby hikers prevented me from shouting my most pungent invective.

I just don’t understand what goes on in the brains of these people.

I guess the answer is nothing.

What can be done to change that nothing into personal awareness of his or her impact on the world around them?


