
Ocean View project approved

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The Glendale Design Review Board #1 on Sept. 4 approved a proposed redesign for an office building at 3501 Ocean View Boulevard, after complimenting architect Alen Melekian on the work he had done to redesign the structure.

The building, former site of Bowman Cleaners, sparked considerable community opposition and an initial DRB rejection last May.

The building totals 4,350 square feet, and is a single story structure with a canopy up front. Work was started on the project with a design review exemption, and then a stop work order was issued when community members raised concerns on a number of issues, among them the appearance that a second story was being added.

The DRB rejected the first design for the building in May, and recommended that owner Val Babadjov secure the services of a new architect.

Melekian said he met with residents and reviewed complaints from past meetings before returning with the new design, which met with board approval.

A continuing issue of concern to board members was parking. Melekian said five parking spaces will be constructed on an adjoining lot, to serve the number of employees for the software business which will move onto the site.

Scott Truluck of the Sparr Heights Business District said the parking was not sufficient, and would further challenge street parking on Ocean View and other local streets. Planning official Jeff Hamilton told the board the parking met code requirements, and the DRB had no power to order more.

Another issue raised at past meetings was answered when the city presented certification of soil remediation on the property, after its use as a dry cleaner.

The board ordered that a wall separating the property from an adjacent car repair facility be lowered by one foot, and that horizontal beams be removed from part of the roof to prevent construction of a second story.
