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When wrong becomes right

My husband and I want to thank Jim Chase for his intelligent article “Kissing Decency Goodbye” [Sept. 26]. When God is the greatest evil in our evolved tolerant society, right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. Maybe it’s time to reinstitute Baccalaureate through our local churches and create a community-wide service where people of faith can come together to bless and pray for our students.

— Susan Cox

La Crescenta

Why ask schools instead of churches?

I find it interesting that Jim Chase is so concerned about the loss of the traditional Baccalaureate at CVHS when there hasn’t been any religious aspect to this program for years. In fact, it is for that very reason that administrators, parents and students met in talks over two years ago to discuss the issue. After several meetings and a discussion with the senior class, it was decided to change the name from Baccalaureate to Senior Reflection to more accurately let people know what they were getting and to give the religious community, of which I am a member, the name back. The funny thing is [that] the program content didn’t change, just its name. So, as a parent, I have been waiting for the churches in the area to provide such a ceremony and I have not seen that happen yet. Instead of getting upset that a public institution didn’t provide a religious experience, maybe the churches in the area should get together, or individually, and offer such a ceremony; there is still time for this year.

— Pat Chambers

La Crescenta

Just doesn’t get it

I perceive myself as a practical and logical thinking person. At the same time, I feel that many folks who think of themselves this way also feel that it is quite likely that they are now out of step with what is perceived as “today’s norm.” While we are all entitled to our own opinions (after all, this is America), some things would appear to be, in many instances, pretty self evident.

Whenever I review the Crescenta Valley Sun, Jim Chase’s column is always a must read. His thoughts, opinions, ideas, and the like are just those. They belong to Mr. Chase. At the same time, in many cases he merely lays out specifics, as in last week’s column. He compares messages such as a voluntary Baccalaureate for graduating seniors to photos and articles on same sex marriages in a school newspaper. Can any practical or logical thinking person disagree here with Jim‘s observations? I think not, but apparently that’s not how it all went down on these two issues.

Many times we must just roll our eyes when some off-the-wall decisions are made because we feel that our own conclusions are reasonable, tolerant, considerate, and more. However, when all is said and done, sometimes we just scratch our heads and say, “I, er, um, gee, I just don’t get it.”

Keep up the good work, Jim. They say that eventually all will come full circle.

— Richard Dely

La Crescenta

The benefits of council membership

As this year’s election for the Crescenta Valley Town Council quickly approaches, I started reflecting that it has already been a year since I decided to run for the Council. When I first considered running, I was warned that it could be a big time commitment (it has) and that it was a volunteer position.

After being on the Council for nine months, it has been a lot of hard work, it has been very rewarding, but it has also been a lot of fun.

One unexpected outcome was that my narrow outlook on issues in our community has become much broader. For example:

• Trash. I was actually offended when I saw trash thrown on the La Crescenta freeway off-ramp the same day that we had done the monthly cleanup of that off-ramp.

• Graffiti. Zero tolerance. I now have the County Graffiti hotline number programmed into my phone. For areas in unincorporated L.A. County, it is (800) 675-4357.

• Speeding, traffic and safety. I shouted out a big, “Yes!” when I saw the CHP speed trailer on Foothill Boulevard and then on Rosemont a few weeks later. First responders from the CHP and the sheriff’s department give a report at each monthly Council meeting and it is clear that they work very hard and care about our community and its residents.

• Fundraising. The Council is a self-supporting non-profit and one of the most rewarding experiences I had this year was participating in the interviews for Town Council scholarships. We finally had to ask one student what a nephrologist was and both interviewing teams felt they had interviewed a future U.S. president. What an amazing group of high school seniors.

• Community organizations. There are so many in the Crescenta Valley, working for many great causes and for the well-being of all the foothill communities. At one recent fundraiser, I was touched that people from almost every organization came to show their support. I realized that night that I had met a lot of people and made a lot of new friends in the past nine months.

So, if you are not afraid of hard work for no pay and want to help participate in supporting and keeping our community such a wonderful place to live, please consider running for the Crescenta Valley Town Council.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at (818) 970-0976 and I will be happy to speak with you about them. Applications for candidacy are available online at, and are due by 11:59 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 11. The election is Saturday, Nov. 1, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the CV High library.

— Cheryl Davis

C.V. Town Council’s

newest member
