
Rummange and pancakes for sale

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The American Freedom Tour Rummage Sale and Pancake Breakfast will be held at 7 a.m. on Saturday at Rosemont Middle School.

It is a bargain hunter’s heaven as table after table are filled with must-have items. It is the perfect way to spend an early morning beginning with a delicious pancake breakfast, cooked and served by Rosemont teachers and parents.

What better way to walk off that great breakfast than scavenging through treasures brought in by Rosemont families? But wait — there’s more. Not only will visitors be filled with fluffy pancakes and find amazing bargains, they will go home knowing that the money they have spent will go to further the education of Rosemont Middle School students.

The funds raised at the breakfast and rummage sale will go to support the American Freedom Tour, an educational trip that focuses on national history. This year the tour is titled the Heartland Tour and will take eighth graders on a historical trip to Chicago, Mississippi and St. Louis.

Students are required to pay for their own trip, at about $2,000 a student. Fundraisers are held throughout the year to help raise funds to offset the costs.

The students head out to the Heartland during spring break 2009; for those who cannot make it to the Saturday’s event but still want to help students by donating, they can do so by contacting teacher Lynn McGinnis at (818) 248-4224, ext. 1309 or e-mail

Tickets for the pancake fundraiser are $5 and available at the door. Admission to the rummage sale is free.
