
In theory - Jeri Linn

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Barack Obama has been picked as the next president. Propositions have been approved or turned down. How can faith guide us in making decisions on future Election Days?

In the words of the Apostle Paul: “We know that in everything God works for good with those that love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). I also like to frame this quote into an affirmation: “All things are working together for good.” Thinking about future elections, we could also affirm: “I have faith that all things are working together for the highest good of all concerned.”

Faith is defined in Paul’s letter to the Hebrews: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction (evidence) of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is invisible, but when we apply our faith, we get visible results. We can use the words “faith” and “belief,” interchangeably. We have faith in what we believe to be true.

If we have placed our faith on the premise that God is the One Power and the One Presence; that God is the very Principle of Absolute Good, then we believe that we will experience good in our lives.

If we start today, to begin to place our faith (or, our belief) in the Principle of All Good, that which we call God, then we begin to look for the good to appear. We anticipate harmonious solutions. We do our part every day to communicate more clearly, seeking the point of agreement in our interactions with others in our personal lives and in our communities. With faith, we are inspired to part of the greater good. With faith, we will develop a belief system that listens to that “... still, small voice” within us.

We will be guided with greater wisdom the next time we go to the polls to elect our political leaders.

We will expect that “All things are working together for good.”

JERI LINN is pastor of Unity Church of the Valley in Montrose. Reach her  at (818) 249-4396.
