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An ordinance that would limit the ability of elected officials to raise funds for nonprofits will likely be introduced at the City Council meeting tonight for review.

The proposed regulations would limit the use of official titles when fundraising and prohibit the solicitation of funds, property or services from individuals or businesses that have contracts with the city, either for themselves or on behalf of a nonprofit agency.

The draft rules cover the City Council, treasurer and city clerk.

The ordinance reflects directions the City Council gave in October to draft the new rules as a way to head off any perceptions of “pay to play” fundraising tactics at City Hall. Councilman Dave Weaver took most of the heat during discussions in October amid charges that he “aggressively” solicited funds for his nonprofit Dreaming of Roses, which helps pay for the city’s annual float entry into the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade.

Weaver has maintained the nonprofit has benefited the city through community grants and by offsetting the cost of the annual float. He has also said the allegations of “pay to play” are politically motivated and untrue.


The council will likely introduce the ordinance, which will come back for a full vote next week, barring any last-minute changes.


The City Council tonight will consider approving a three-year, $180,000 consulting contract to guide Glendale Water & Power’s risk management program.

Utility officials are seeking to outsource the role of an “energy risk manager” to RMI Consulting Inc. as a cost-saving measure. At the proposed $5,000-per-month rate of the RMI contract, the total expenditure for three years would be $180,000. At the current market rate, hiring a full-time manager to ensure energy purchases for the utility carry minimal risk would cost $150,000 annually, according to the proposal.

The utility currently does not have qualified employees for the job.

The Glendale Water & Power Commission voted to support the recommendation earlier this month.


While the RMI consulting contract would be less expensive than a full-time manager, outsourcing has come under greater scrutiny from the City Council lately as the pressures of a slow economy continue to mount at City Hall.


The City Council will likely approve the receipt of a $78,760 grant to support equipment purchases and program costs for the Fire Department.

The Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company grant has been earmarked for the purchase of four thermal imagers, a high-pressure compressed air system to propel water and fire retardant foam and other supplies for the Emergency Operation Center and Fire Explorer programs.

Some of the grant money would also be used to make repairs to the training center’s “burn building” and to support training exercises.


The council will likely authorize the grant, especially since it requires no matching funds from the city.


Parks officials are scheduled to present four concepts for a new pool at Pacific Park, which range from six to eight lanes.

The four options reflect direction from the City Council given to city officials Sept. 16, when a four-lane concept was presented. The majority on the dais gave instructions to come back with project designs that included at least six lanes, less concrete surfaces, more shade and landscaping, a more minimal pool configuration, solar power options and additional funding sources.

Depending on the concept, the project is estimated to cost between $7.9 million and $10.4 million. Currently, $6.6 million has been designated to the project, with nearly $4 million more identified for earmarks.


The council will likely give direction on a final project design based on the four concepts. Parks officials would likely come back for final approval.


An ordinance that would provide cash-strapped developers several project deadline extensions is expected to be introduced tonight for a weeklong review period.

The so-called “regulatory relief package” would extend discretionary land use entitlements, such as conditional-use permits, variances, design review approvals and parking reduction permits, by an additional year.

Affordable in-lieu housing fees, which can run into the millions of dollars for a market-rate project, would also be deferred until the building is completed and ready for occupancy as opposed to when the developer is ready to start construction.

And building plan checks would be extended to Dec. 31, 2009 — a highly sought-after provision from developers.


The ordinance will likely be introduced and then brought back next week for a full council vote.
