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Panthers to hold tryouts again

The Glendale Panthers boys’ youth basketball team is seeking players for the upcoming season. Tryouts will be held at 6 and 7:30 p.m. today at Wilson Middle School.

Tryouts for the 11-year-old team will begin at 6 p.m. Tryouts for the 12-year-old team will follow at 7:30.

Age is determined by player’s age after Sept. 1. If a player turned 13 after Sept. 1, they are eligible to play on the 12-year-old squad.

Glendale-Hoover alumni contest

Glendale and Hoover highs will meet in an inaugural alumni boys’ basketball game.

The event will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 25 at Glendale High’s gymnasium, 1440 E. Broadway, Glendale. The cost is $5 per person.


Report your youth sports results

The Glendale News-Press encourages any and all teams to turn in their results weekly.

For more information, contact Sports Editor Grant Gordon at (818) 637-3225.
