
MAILBAG - Dec. 8, 2008

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How about Lawler for Town Council?

I was surprised to read in your article (“Group questions Town Council,” Nov. 25) that there is growing discontent with the Crescenta Valley Town Council.

I sure didn’t know it, nor have I ever heard of the Crescenta Valley Civic Assn. I have, however, heard of Mike Lawler of the Historical Society.

I think he has done a great job revealing the history of the Crescenta Valley, and I’ve appreciated all his hard work on it.

However, I don’t recall seeing Lawler’s name on the ballot at the recent election for Town Council members. If he is so upset and discontented, why didn’t he run for office? I’d have more respect for his complaints if he had.

I know the members of the Town Council work hard for those of us who live in the unincorporated area of La Crescenta, and I think you should know they are appreciated.


La Crescenta

Happy holidays, whatever they are

It’s December again, so I suppose it’s time to drag out the ridiculous “war on Christmas” accusations.

I was appalled by the attitude displayed in Don Mazen’s letter (“’Tis the season to be ridiculously PC,” Mailbag, Friday). He asks that non-Christians celebrate the holidays in their own way, but does not see the irony in his own words when he demands that everyone, Christian or not, celebrate Christmas the way he wants it to be celebrated.

To insist that your beliefs must be imposed on others, contrary to their own beliefs, is not only selfish, but un-Christian. And to rail against those who exercise their 1st Amendment rights by referring to this season as “the holidays” is, frankly, un-American.

For the record, I celebrate Christmas. But much as I don’t want people (like Mazen) telling me how to celebrate the holiday, I also do not feel the need to impose my own religious views on others against their will. Our community would be a nicer and more friendly place if Mazen would do the same.



Who’s imposing their agenda here?

John Muir said he’s tired of the homosexual lifestyle being pushed down our throats every day (“Prop. 8 was not a vote for religion,” Mailbag, Wednesday). Yet, according to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, there were only 16 gay and bisexual characters on broadcast television with this fall TV season (and two of those, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” are no longer), accounting for only 2.6% of all regular characters on network television. That 2.6% would be far less than the 5% of the population Muir cites as being homosexual, hardly qualifying evidence of the lifestyle being pushed down our throats every day.

Proposition 8 was purportedly the most expensive ballot initiative yet, on both sides, for and against. And while religion, or the black vote, or the older, more conservative voters could be blamed for its passing, the phrasing of Proposition 8 shoots itself in the foot in the long run, in my opinion, in violating not the California Constitution but the U.S. Constitution. To set up a rule against homosexuals marrying in California is one thing, but saying that homosexual marriage would not be valid or recognized in California seems to violate the full faith and credit clause, Article IV Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution; as long as gay marriage is recognized in any state, all other states must recognize the same.

And, by California’s own Constitution, a citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens.

Say you don’t like it all you like. You may be called intolerant, or you may not be. I will defend not only the right of homosexuals to marry but also your right to dislike it and say as much. But the law is not about your preferences or mine. The law is supposed to be more objective.

They say history repeats itself. Our economy may need a new New Deal, and now, with Proposition 8, we have our new Jim Crow. How far we have come.



Americana in the truest sense

Thousands of people were gathered up at the Americana to be present at the tree-lighting event (“Tree lights up the night,” Nov. 17).

The show took place with musical performances by Peabo Bryson, the Blenders, Faithful Central Choir and Varsity Fanclub.

Thousands of little lights got lighted on a 100-foot Christmas tree. Everyone was able to see Santa, since he came to the stage from the Americana’s rooftop across the crowd of people with a huge helium balloon.

Children, teens and basically everyone were very excited, took videos and photos with cameras and cellphones. About 30,000 people were at the Americana, and many others were not allowed to get in because of the lack of space. Many people believed that the holiday show brought many families together.

The creation of the Americana itself was an amazing idea, and the idea of the tree lighting was even more wonderful. The event gave people the opportunity to finally get out of their locked houses and enjoy the beautiful environment and definitely have some fun. Everything people would ever ask for was present at the Americana that day.

Live musicians performed beautiful melodies, and most importantly, Santa delighted the evening even more and filled children’s hearts with joy and excitement. I have never seen such performances before, like Santa coming to the stage from the roof with a big white balloon.

I felt like I was in a dream, one of those dreams that I would have at age 5, full of fantasy. The Americana was just like a heaven surrounded by thousands of tiny lights.

Since I came to the United States, I didn’t feel the holiday’s spirit and excitement, but the Americana granted me that happiness to experience the joy of Christmas one more time.

When I was little, unfortunately, during those times we didn’t have the chance to witness such fantastic performances, but now we are lucky to have the Americana to at least grant our children such happiness.


Van Nuys
