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Councilman to appear on show

Councilman Ara Najarian is scheduled to appear live on “The Larry Zarian Show” Thursday to discuss the city’s current fiscal situation and the outlook for next year.

Najarian, who is also a member of the board of directors for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Metrolink, will also likely discuss how Glendale stands to benefit from key regional transit issues.

He came out publicly against Measure R, a $40-billion traffic congestion relief ballot measure that voters passed in November.

MTA is expected to use the money to initiate new transportation projects, while accelerating those already in the pipeline.

As a board member for two major regional transportation agencies, Najarian would be positioned to direct some of those dollars to Glendale projects.

Najarian is also up for reelection in April.

Zarian’s show airs at 7 p.m. Thursday on Channel 280. The live call-in number is (818) 547-3668.


Group taking applications

Soroptimist International of Glendale is accepting applications for its Making a Difference for Women Award, which acknowledges women who, through their personal or professional activities, are working to improve the lives of women and girls.

The public may nominate someone, or applicants may nominate themselves.

Applications are due Jan. 9; however, early applications are most welcome.

For an application, call Heather McCormick at (213) 223-1802, or e-mail MDW@Soroptimist
