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The Glendale Committee for the L.A. Philharmonic had its annual “A Christmas Musicale and Luncheon” on Dec. 8 at the Annandale County Club in Pasadena. The program featured husband-wife strings duo Minor L. Wetzel Minor L. Wetzel on viola and Stacey Wetzel on violin. Both are members of the L.A. Philharmonic Orchestra.

Committee President Stella Balesh welcomed 82 members and guests. Glendale residents included Louise and Byron Peebles, Cece Friesen, Gail Balocca, Ann Chadney and News-Press columnist Katherine Yamada. New member Fiama Traxler told her table mates that she was just cast in a San Francisco production of the musical “Wicked” and due to join the cast in several weeks.

The Burbank contingent included Bonnie Hall, Joyce Hapke and Eleni Koutsoukos.

The highlight of the one-hour musicale was a Mozart string duo played to perfection by the Wetzels. When asked who her favorite composer was, Stacey Wetzel answered, “I am stuck in the 19th century. The deader [composer], the better.”

Glendale Councilman Bob Yousefian and wife Sue Eller Yousefian opened their East Glenoaks Boulevard home to benefit Glendale Healthy Kids on Thursday. Although the Yousefians have their “Christmas in the Village” Holiday Open House every year, this is their first fundraiser for a local charity. More than 300 supporters showed up.

Glendale residents eating, drinking and being merry included local officials Police Chief Randy Adams, City Manager Jim Starbird, City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian, City Administrative Analyst Lana Haddad and former Glendale Mayor Larry Zarian. Also on hand were Glendale Healthy Kids board President-elect Elizabeth Manasserian and Executive Director Camille Levee.

Glendale residents also included Paula and Art Devine; Bruce and Debbie Hinkley, whose daughter just announced her engagement; Massage Envy Spa’s Helen McDonagh; attorney Albert Abkarian with sons Nicholas, 8, and Andrew, 4; and Lynda Burns and daughter Amanda Beck from West Hills.

Funds raised from the $20-a-person donation are expected to total $8,000. Proceeds will go for a planned clinic at a “Give Kids a Smile Day” event in February when several dozen Glendale children are expected to undergo free dental exams.

The holidays in Glendale would never be the same without the Hoover High School PTSA’s annual Tour of Homes. For this 51st year, four homes were on display Saturday in northeast Glendale. Several hundred supporters braved ever-darkening skies to tour the homes, marked by cheerful purple balloons.

An 81-year-old California Spanish Revival home on Royal Boulevard featured a holiday tea and floral arrangements by Kenneth Village Flowers. Pouring tea was generous homeowner Sonia Montejano and Hoover Parent Teacher Student Assn. volunteers extraordinaire Gloria Hawley and Debra Lere.

Glendale residents, lined up for a tour of the home by several of the 170 student volunteers, included Arlene Aschmeyer and Juliann Budimir, coming to the tour for more than 40 years.

“I love snooping through other people’s homes,” Aschmeyer said.

The favorite room of Betty Keushguerian and Maria Manzur was the master bedroom with Montejano’s collection of 1960s Barbie doll vintage reproductions.

Event coordinator Addora Beall said the state’s economic downturn makes tour proceeds from $25 ticket sales more important than ever for providing student scholarships.

Still another Glendale home was opened for a holiday celebration. Carol Ann Burton’s East Mountain Street home was the setting for the board of the Glendale YWCA’s annual party.

Board members and their guests helping themselves to gourmet goodies were host Alasdair Burton, Marilyn and John Gunnell, Ilena Blicker, Liza Boubari, Mona Marcos, Paula and Art Devine and Elizabeth Mannasserian, whose son just became an Eagle Scout.

Board President Carol Ann Burton said the YWCA looks forward to beginning its capital campaign for upgrades on its gym and pool and bringing its Tech-Girls program into middle schools and high schools.

 RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
