
In theory - Rev. Beverly Craig

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The new year is here. What is your message for a prosperous 2009?

A prosperous 2009 begins by going back to our spiritual roots.

Jesus told us, “Judge not by appearances.” A further interpretation of this is to not despair when circumstances around us appear to be full of gloom and doom. Seemingly, the majority of folks are “buying into” negative reports about the economy. In my own family, even though no one had lost jobs and incomes remained the same, they decided not to give Christmas gifts this year “because of the economy.” How absurd!

Religious Science, under the direction of founder Ernest Holmes, thrived during the Great Depression because he taught truth — the everlasting truth that we are children of the most high and will always be taken care of when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are truly heirs to the Kingdom.

Jesus also said, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom,” and “I have come that you might have Life and have it more abundantly.” When we play the game of “ain’t it awful” our faith and trust in God is sadly lacking. We must remember, “I of myself can do nothing — it is the Father within who doeth the work.”

Whatever we’re striving to attain in this New Year of 2009, when we can honestly affirm “I am here for God,” and then ask the question of God, “What would you have me do?” our endeavors will meet with success.

 BEVERLY CRAIG is pastor of Center for Spiritual Living — La Crescenta. Reach her at (818) 249-1045.
