
10-20-30 years ago

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Ten Years Ago

Cancer robbed 12-year-old Desi Geestman of her life on Jan. 10, 1999, but not before she realized her dream of riding on a float in the Rose Parade on Jan. 1 of that year. The young La Crescenta resident succumbed to neurobastoma at City of Hope in Duarte. The family has since set up a successful foundation in Desi’s name to raise funds to improve the quality of life for pediatric cancer patients.

Twenty Years Ago

It was reported the nativity scene displayed on the south lawn of Holy Redeemer Church during the previous Christmas season was stolen sometime on New Year’s Eve. Included in the theft were a donkey, a cow, three lambs, a shepherd and the infant Jesus. Following up on an anonymous tip, the baby figure was recovered from Montrose Community Park, although its arms had been removed.

Thirty Years Ago

Chapter OM, P.E.O., met at the La Crescenta home of Mrs. William Hagemeyer to observe the 25th anniversary of the group. All charter members were invited to attend the luncheon celebration.

Forty Years Ago

La Crescenta Woman’s Club Juniors began the new year in 1969 by forfeiting dessert at their monthly dinner meeting and donating the money they would have spent on it to Meals for Millions, a Verdugo-Metropolitan District International Affairs project.

Fifty Years Ago

A rainstorm accompanied by lightning strikes in the Foothills dropped 3.22” on the area in a one-day period in January 1959.
