
Business firm eyes Montrose locale

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A major business advisory firm is proposing to move into Montrose, and has requested a zoning variance from the city of Glendale. Edward Jones Brokers would take over a vacant first floor space at 370l Ocean View Blvd., establishing a two-person office.

Peter Gonzales, representing the company, told zoning administrator Edith Fuentes that the office was proposing to relocate from La Cañada. The staff would meet clients by appointment and maintain normal business hours days a week.

Dale Dawson, president of the Montrose Shopping Park Association, said he didn’t believe the first floor office use would violate MSPA’s policy of calling for first floor commercial. “It’s a difficult location, and several businesses have failed there,” he said.

Gonzales said the space has been vacant for about a year. He said one of the appeals of the site for the company is easy access for a staff member who is wheelchair bound.

In other actions at the same meeting, Fuentes heard a request from Sushi USA, at 3630 Foothill Blvd., for an extension of the processing of a conditional use permit for beer and wine service. She heard from a representative of the new owner, who said time ran out for completing the process.

The third item on the agenda was a request from Jon Harrington for a permitted parking deficiency at 3441 Encinal. Harrington said he plans to add 288 square feet to the small house, and believes the existing two-car garage and driveway parking is sufficient.

Fuentes took all three issues under advisement, and will rule at a later date.
