
Willowhaven project to return to board

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A long-debated proposal to build up to three homes on Willowhaven in La Crescenta is scheduled to come before the board of supervisors on Jan. 27, but will probably be delayed.

County planner Jodie Sackett told the Valley Sun this week that a new plan for the property is being developed, but has not been submitted to the county as yet.

“Once it comes in, we will circulate it to the proper departments and consider it in the subdivision committee,” Sackett said.

The committee, composed of staff members from county departments, will consider the plan before sending it on to the board, Sackett said. This could result in a delay of 30-60 days in board consideration. The supervisors retain jurisdiction because the board acted on a proposal for a three lot split on the property and sent it back for redesign.

Supervisor Mike Antonovich led the debate on the issue, saying the three-lot proposal was too dense, but indicated he could support two lots.

Local neighbors Gordon Wood and Anna Seu, who led the opposition to the project, are no happier with the two-lot proposal.

“It’s still too dense and intrusive on our street,” Wood said. “The owner has been trying to develop the property for many years, and has been turned down. The planning commission voted to reject it.”

A spokesman for Antonovich said the supervisor would not commit to a position in advance of the new board vote, but he is expected to support the new plan if it meets the guidelines he outlined. Public comment will be taken on the issue when it comes to the board, but no formal hearing is scheduled.

Sackett said the new plan will include a two-story limit of 25 feet or less, and will also include a 15-foot front yard setback. He said the plan will be available through his office before the final vote is taken, but will not be published online.
