
CVHS repairs continue

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The tarps are gone from the 5000 building at Crescenta Valley High School and students are back in the classrooms after the completion of the first round of repairs due to poor construction during a $41 million remodeling project completed in 2002.

The 1000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 buildings have been scheduled for repairs after several areas were found to have leaks during heavy rains. The leaks caused damage to walls as well, creating a breeding ground for mold. A diagnostic-type review of the work found windows with gaps between frames and the structures, and cracking in the plaster walls.

The district is presently in litigation with the companies that did the original remodeling; meanwhile, the estimated $8 million in repairs continue.

The first phase began with the 5000 building over the summer and ended at winter break.

The 7000 building now has a chain-linked fence around it, and classrooms have been relocated to temporary rooms in the school’s parking lot, but the repairs have yet to begin.

“We are still receiving contract proposals,” said John Fenton, district representative for development and facilites. “We have learned so much though with the repairs of the 5000 building.”

He added that there had been some problems with repair companies meeting deadlines in the past.

After completing repairs on the 5000 building, the district has more experience working with construction crews. In addition, Fenton said, the district realized that, with the present economy, there are more companies that may be willing to work with the district’s budget and that opening the bidding up helps to create competition.
